Saturday, August 05, 2006

Half a year

I'm coming up on my 6th month blog anniversary and it seems like an especially appropriate time to put together a blog index of sorts. Here's a series I wrote as a snapshot of my experience in medical school with discrimination as a gay Mormon. It's probably as good as any place to start. Or you can go back to one of my first posts that was a basic introduction to my thoughts and feelings.

I started this blog with 2 main purposes in mind:
  1. For me to journal through my issues. I enjoy getting feedback on my thoughts, but I'm not quite ready to brainstorm with the Elders' Quorum. I've reviewed a couple books on reparative therapy, opined on guilt, happiness, and morality from both the LDS and secular gay perspective. I have a lot to learn and I reserve the right to waffle!
  2. To advocate for issues relevant to homosexuals and Mormons so that I can perhaps be of service to others who are in a similar situation. I've written on my beliefs, my faith, scientific and political fallacies, and intolerance.
I think my wife and I have done a lot of things right. And I think we're reaping the benefits. Naysayers abound, and nobody should naively believe that a straight/gay mixed marriage is without its problems. But it was God's will for us. I can't say what others should do, but you may have your own miracle in store.


Beck said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY? Okay - anniversary divided by two.

Anyway, I can't encourage you enough to keep it going for another 6 months!

AttemptingthePath said...

happy half anniversary!