Thursday, November 30, 2006

Another account

If you caught Master Fob's recent praise for Information Specialists (all true--my wife, for example, is a super information specialist), you might also be interested in hearing how Chabon's protagonists characterize the likes of Master Fob:

On this particular autumn night, only the prospect of another solitary evening lies before her. She will fry her chop and read herself to sleep, no doubt with a tale of wizardry and romance. Then, in dreams that strike even her as trite, Miss Dark will go adventuring in chain mail and silk. Tomorrow morning she will wake up alone, and do it all again.

Poor Judy Dark! Poor little librarians of the world, those girls, secretly lovely, their looks marred forever by the cruelty of a pair of big black eyeglasses.
-Chabon in The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

MF, I hope you wear contacts.

1 comment:

B.G. Christensen said...

Well, now I'll be sure never to read AACK, now that I know what a misobiblioteckist and anti-spectaclist Michael Chabon is. Shame on him.