Friday, February 09, 2007

My valentine

What does a guy do for the most amazing woman in the world for Valentine's Day? Please keep in mind that the guy is dirt poor... and busy... and not terribly creative about such things.

I've seen all the crap people buy, and that's just not our style. But I would like to do something special. I might even pony up some cash in a completely unprecedented show of spendthrift indulgence and get a really nice piece of jewelry.

But even then, it would be nice to give it to her in a creative way. And some of the readers here are particularly creative, so I'm petitioning for your advice (or stories of things you've been impressed with before).


Anonymous said...

My personal favorite if you are thinking of jewelry: Take the jewelry and wrap it in plastic wrap, then freeze it in the middle of a heart shaped cake pan, give her the frozen heart with a card and when she "melts your heart", viola, she has a nice surprise. Maybe cheesy, but it is creative and fun.

Beck said...

I have no clue! That's why my marriage struggles - as much as I'm "creative" in other ways, the mandatory holiday expressions of "love" stump me!

But I can say that I've learned my lesson of doing nothing - that certainly doesn't go over well at all. :)

Nichole said...

Chicks dig anything that comes from the heart. Jewlery is impressive, but not totally necessary. How long have you been married now? Consider a flash-back date, re-creating one from when you first dated that was especially good or just taking her somewhere that is special for both of you. My mom loves it when my dad writes her love notes. You seem to have a gift for writing, a love note would probably be really appreciated. So don't worry, just the fact that you are asking this question shows that whatever you do will be good. You seem to be a thoughtful person. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

memorize one of shakespeares sonnets and recite it to her over candlelight

Rebecca said...

My former singing teacher's husband would come up with some sort of theme every year and do little things all week in that theme. They weren't usually really complicated themes or anything. I think one year it was something like, "You are my sweetheart," and he just made her little homemade sweets all week, then made her a really fancy dinner at the end of the week. Another time I think it was something like, "families are forever," and he got the kids' portraits done and framed, and framed some nice pictures of her mom and grandma - stuff like that.

mark said...

Why not write her a poem or a love letter?